C-7000 Handheld-Spectrometer

The C-7000 spectrometer is a portable handheld spectrometer designed specifically for industrial use. With Sekonic's CMOS linear image sensor and large touchscreen color display, the C-7000 can measure and accurately evaluate LED, HMI, fluorescent, natural light and electron flash.

The C-7000's software displays the stored data in a variety of ways and can output spectral data in 1nm/5nm (nanometer) increments in CSV format.

The C-7000 is a valuable measurement tool for quality control and is used in lamp manufacturing, medical facilities, health and safety standards in educational institutions and offices, agricultural lighting and design, and many other industrial applications.

Technical Details C-7000:

  • Applicable for: LED, HMI, fluorescent tubes, artificial light, natural light and flash light, from 380 to 780nm
  •     Wide measuring range for color temperature (1,563 to 100,000K) and illuminance (1 to 200,000lx for ambient light, 20 to 20,500lx・s for flash light)
  •     Complies with class A of JIS C 1609-1: 2006 and DIN 5032 part 7 class C as illuminance meter class
  •     Text mode with additional measurements for industrial use such as Tcp, ⊿uv, XYZ, λd, λp, Pe
  •     Spectrum mode / spectrum comparison mode
  •     PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measurement
  •     Extended color rendering properties (CRI/CRI comparison, SSI, TLCI, TLMF, TM-30-18) *
  •     CIE1931 (CIE1964) chromaticity coefficients and CIE1931 (CIE1964) comparison mode
  •     CIE1976 chromaticity coefficients and CIE1976 comparison mode
  •     Field of view either 2° or 10
  •     Single / continuous metering (*)
  •     Exposure time (shutter speed) is selectable
  •     Up to 999 measurements can be stored in the memory
  •     User-friendly design: 270-degree swivel head, dark calibration without cap, large 4.3-inch colour LCD with touch screen and customize function
  •     The C-7000 Utility enables simple settings, updating of the meter's firmware and output of various graphs and csv data
  •     Output of the spectrum in steps of 1nm / 5nm in CSV format through the utility
  •     SDK (Software Development Kit) available for remote control

(*) requires the latest firmware

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Tel +49 (7271) 1299060


The delivery times are strongly dependent on the respective model. We try to deliver the most popular systems in smaller quantities from stock, but we have to check this in each individual case. Therefore, we ask for your understanding if general delivery times are difficult to state.

In any case, we will do everything in our power to provide you with your solution as quickly as possible.